D. Ii vad doar ca lumini foarte puternice pe glob, sunt cam peste tot in lume, cativa pe fiecare continent si fac niste punti intre ei. Unii sunt lumini mai puternice si sunt si lumini mai putin puternice, unii mai adormiti. Nu prea stau cu oamenii, ei creaza niste punti.
V. Ce fac cu puntile acelea, care e rolul lor?
D. Sa imprastie lumina. Toti ceilalti se conecteaza la punti, e ca o plasa la care se conecteaza toti oamenii care se trezesc.
V. Sunt multi cei treziti?
D. Cei care nu s-au trezit sunt majoritari. Pamantul e bine, el merge, putem sa sustinem, dar se vor mai trezi multi. Vad multe licariri, se aprind, se sting, nu sunt inca hotarati. Cei care stau tot timpul aprinsi sunt deja conectati. O data treziti si conectati, nimeni nu se mai stinge din plasa.
V. Ce simte pamantul fata de cei netreziti?
D. Ne iubeste pe toti. Ne suporta cat e nevoie. Plasa asta e o plasa care porneste din centrul pamantului si intra in fiecare si inima e cea care creaza plasa, legatura. Toti cei treziti sunt conectati intre ei prin plasa asta si plasa e peste tot in jurul pamantului, e invelit pamantul. Mai sunt si pe afara multi, care nu au conexiunea cu pamantul, nu sunt in corp. Au si ei o plasa.
V. Cine sunt acestia fara corp, care se afla in jurul pamantului?
D. Multe, multe fiinte de peste tot din univers, si ei sunt conectati intre ei. Sunt aici ca sa ne ajute noi si au facut si ei o plasa foarte luminoasa, din aceeasi lumina, foarte, foarte stralucitoare, alb aurie si calda.D. I see them only as bright lights on the globe, they are almost everywhere in the world, few of them on every continent and they make bridges between them. Some are more powerful lights and there are lights that are and less powerful, some seem sleepy. They do not hang out with people , they create some bridges .
V. What do they do with those bridges, what’s their role?
D. To spread light. All the other are connecting to the bridge, it’s a net that all the people who are awakening are connecting to.
V. Are there many people who’ve awakened?
D. The sleeping ones are the majority. Earth is well, we can support, but many will awaken. I see more, flickers, they’re lighting up, they’re turning off, and they haven’t made up their minds. Those who stay lit up are already connected. Once awakened and connected, they no longer turn off their light.
V. How does the Earth feel about the sleeping ones?
D. She loves us all. She support us as long is needed. This net starts in the center of the earth and enters into every heart and the hearts are creating the net, the connection. All those awakened are connected between them through the net and the net is all around the earth, the earth is wrapped in it. There are many on the outside that have no connection with the earth, they are not in a body. They have their own net.
V. Who are these without a body, around the earth?
D. Many, many beings from all over the universe, and they are connected to each other. They’re here to help us and they have made a very bright net, from the same light, very, very bright, warm golden white light.

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