Creatorul plantelor si reteaua de Lumina a Pamantului

Creatorul plantelor si reteaua de Lumina a Pamantului

Aceasta poveste a regresiei reprezinta inca o trezire activata de catre Eul Superior catre realuarea activitatii din acea viata trecuta si recapatarea abilitatilor de atunci, trezire provocata de reamintirea adevaratei noastre esente, a informatiilor si cunostintelor pe care unii dintre noi le posedam in acea vreme.
In aceasta transcriere apare un creator al plantelor de pe pamant, reteaua de lumina a pamantului si a lucratorilor in Lumina care ne ajuta impreuna cu extraterestrii.

V. Ce vezi?
D. Straturi de aburi colorati, gri, violet, rosu ca niste felii si eu alunec incet, ca un fulg in jos prin ele si le simt calde, fine, acum e mai mult gri si pe masura ce cobor mi se face un pic teama.
V. Se schimba ceva pe masura ce cobori?
D. Se simte tot mai greu, devine tot mai dur si ma ameteste pe masura ce ma apropii de pamant
V. Ce se vede sub tine?
D. E o lupta, in razboi, totul se vede negru de sus. Au niste armuri negre, niste cai negri, niste sabii mari si se lupta intre ei. Sunt multi si acum privesc pe unul singur, e doar o armura neagra, inauntru pare gol, da’ e o licarire, parca ma cheama acolo.
V. Daca doresti, poti merge acolo. Aminteste­-ti ca te afli in piramida de lumina alba si ca esti protejata in acest fel. Poti sa povestesti despre ceea ce vezi.
D. E ceva cu inima lui, s-a deschis, era singura licarire si simt ca o conexiune cu inima mea. In rest e ca un fum negru in interiorul armurii. O simt ca si cum se deschide o cale catre inima lui, ca un pod de lumina aurie, stridenta, intre inimile noastre, din adancul lor. Parca totul s-a oprit in loc, nu se misca nimic, doar ca lumina curge peste tot, peste camp si-l transforma din gri cu sange, il face verde si oamenii si cei morti, unii care-s pe jos incep sa lumineze si chiar incep sa se ridice, se transforma in corpuri de lumina, curge multa lumina, simt extaz. Unii nu vor sa se trasforme. Lumina curge prin acet barbat curge mai departe, el pare sa fie legatura cu ceilalti. El s-a aschimbat un pic doar, nu e ca altii, dar locul se simte altfel, nu mai e asa greu, incepe sa nu se mai simta asa dens, rasare soarele si e mai multa lumina, nu mai e nimic gri, e lumina si verde. Unii oameni au ramas nemiscati , multi se ridica, se fac ca un fascicul de lumia si se duc in sus, altii se lumineaza si nu se ridica si altii raman negri si nu se misca. La barbatul cu care am legatura a venit un alt barbat foarte luminos si cred ca il ajuta cu ceva: il intinde pe jos, face ceva cu mainile si pe unde il atinge se lumineaza. Prin el doar a trecut lumina pentru a-i ajuta pe ceilalti. Eu incep sa ma retrag, celalalt om ramane cu el.
V. Cum arati?
D. Sunt ca un soare, sferic, galben-auriu, sunt gazoz si daca ma apropii de oameni ma micsorez, cam pana la jumatatea marimii lor, dar daca ma indepartez, ma fac mai mare.Ma retrag acum.
V. Ce se intampla cu ei acum, daca tu te retragi?
D. Isi continua drumul lor. Ii pot vedea si simti, lupta s-a oprit de tot, nu mai e nici gand de lupta.
V. Cum te indepartezi?
D. Ma ridic si trec prin aceleasi straturi, dar inca simt un cordon, ceva tot ma trage inapoi, jos, tot ei ma trag. Nu mai au nevoie de mine dar sunt un pic speriati pentru ca am plecat. Largesc cordonul de legatura, se ingustase prea brusc. Acum le percep doar corpurile energetice frumoase, sclipitoare. Ei se ajuta intre ai acum. Unii incearca sa ii trezeasca si pe ceilalti, dar nu pot. Cei care au ramas negri sunt pieduti intr-un spatiu gri de plutire si nu vad nimic, ca si cum sunt orbi .Ma doare sa-i vad asa. As vrea sa-i trezesc, dar nu pot. Doar stau aici cu ei un pic, dar ei nu ma percep si vor din nou sa intre in razboinicii aia, sunt atrasi de razboinicii aceia. Sunt intr-un alt spatiu dar vor sa se intoarca tot acolo, e o atractie puternica, ca un magnet. Probabil ca se vor intoarce, ei decid daca se intorc. Ma simt si eu atrasa, daca stau in zona asta
V. Cu cei luminosi mai esti conectata?
D. Sunt conectata si cu cei luminosi, ei sunt in alt spatiu, e mai usor, e ca o noua viata.
V. Vrei sa mai stai si cu cei negri?
D. Da, imi las acolo o parte, am facut o bila de lumina, am rupt-o din mine, dar ramane conectata la mine, si la fel, raman conectata si cu cei de lumina. Bila de lumina ramane acolo, la cei negri, sa straluceasca, sa le arate o cale, sa straluceasca, sa fie acolo.
V. Poti sa imi spui cum a aparut licarirea in barbaturl acela cu care te-ai conectat tu apoi?
D. Ca o scanteie in interiorul lui, a deschis poarta, a fost dincolo de el, din el mai adanc decat ce putea el percepe. Cand eu m-am apropiat, in timp ce el se lupta, s-a activat brusc scanteia si ea m-a atras si am facut conexiunea.
V. Ce urmeaza sa faci acum?
D. Pot sa fac orice. Acum ii pot lasa pe cei luminosi, sunt ok acum. E mai mult decat o bucatica din mine acolo, prin mine curge ceva mai mult, prin mine, in acea sfera, eu tot un canal sunt, doar am deschis ceva acolo, am creat un alt soare mai mic decat mine, nu pot sa il fac prea mare acolo. Il desprind de mine ca sa pot sa plec.
V. Acum ce faci ?
D. Ma ridic. Am ajuns tot pe pamant, dar e desert de data asta, nisp galben, uscat arid, fara viata. As vrea sa-l ating, sa-i dau putin viata. Se transforma in plante, in multa vegetatie, sa transforma intr-o jungla.
V. Cum arati acum?
D. Sunt tot o bila de lumina sunt extinsa, am si niste tentacule, ca niste maini care creaza plantele prin atingere, curg din mine prin maini in pamant si acolo incep sa cresca. In mine au o alta forma si curg ca o energie prin mine, dar prind o alta forma pe nisip. Conexiunea cu pamantul le face sa prinda alta forma, dar de fapt sunt aceleasi. E mult verdeata, frunze foarte mari, copaci mari, sunt si flori rosii, violet, galbene, portocaliu, toate culorile. Ele au alta forma in mine, energia lor e colorata in mine, cele verzi erau doar o lumina, florile au in mine o energie colorata in mine,si pe pamant iau forma de flori. E foarte frumos! Planetele curg prin mine dar percep si animale, mi-e greu sa le vad acum. Animalele nu au venit prin mine. Altcineva se …e mai complicat….
V. Cat de mult s-a intins jungla, a acoperit tot desertul?
D. Da, nu mai vad desert aici, in alta parte mai e. Mai stau cu ea si ea se va intinde de la sine. Plantele continua sa curga din mine, dar prinde si singura forta.
V. Ce te-a atras la acest desert, ce te-a facut sa vrei sa ii dai viata?
D. M-a atras, e ca o atractie rapida, magnetica si eu nu ma impotrivesc.
V. E prima oara cand faci o jungla? Ce altceva mai faci?
D. Nu, ma si bucur intr-o alta jungle, dar tot noi am creat-o, mai demult, suntem mai multi. Acum, ca am venit in jungla, am luat o forma, suntem aproape verzi, sangele e verde si jungla e o parte din noi. Mai intai am creat-o si apoi am coborat in ea. Avem o forma umanoida, dar suntem mai mari, mai colorati, avem venele colorate, intr-un portocaliu si verde si pelea e mai deschisa decat a noastra. Nu avem haine, avem sexe diferite, dar organele sunt altfel. Sunt niste haine dar sunt din noi, pielea noastra o facem ca niste haine. Eu sunt tot femeie. E foarte frumos aici, e liniste.
V. Ce urmeaza sa mai faci?
D. Aici cream pentru alte planete. Aici e ca un laborator si transmitem sferei ce cream aici, sunt conectata cu sfera mea, iar ea merge mai departe, alteori sta deasupra noastra.
V. Cu ce va ajuta ca ati luat forma in acest laborator?
D. Trebuie sa fim conectati in pamant si impreuna sa cream. Nu suntem foarte multi, zece, cincisprezece. Din maini si din picioare se duc niste fire, ca niste legaturi, in pamanat, si de acolo vin inapoi. E ca un schimb de multe…nu stiu ce sunt…multe forme, lumini, e un schimb de forme si lumini…..sunt tot felul de elemente si se face schimb de elemente….sunt particule din energia pamantului si se amesteca in burta mea….sunt foarte diferite si foarte multe, se combina in burta mea si ies din maini si picioare, apoi le transmit inapoi in pamant, le dau viata. Am creat foarte multe plante, una niste frunze foarte, foarte late, e foarte puternica, inca un copac, aici stau cel mai mult, e un suflet batran copacul, sufletul copacului il da pamantul, iar forma si viata o cream impreuna cu pamantul…copacul e prima mea creatie….imi place , imi da o senzatie de familiar, de protectie si putere, comunicam, il simt ca un tata….e o comunicare de simtire….de la inima la inima….e o contopire.
V. Lucrezi singura, sau si cu celilalti?
D. Lucrez si singura dar si impreuna cu ceilalti si atunci cream lumi, planete, unii dintre ei lucreaza si cu animale si am creat planete si pamantul, cu mai multi, dar si noi. Sunt mai multe grupuri care lucreaza. Noi am creat doar plantele si animalele. Altii au creat rocile. Am fost cu ei de la inceput, dar ei au creat rocile. Eram langa. S-a creat prin maini si prin inimile tuturor si multi au venit inapoi pe el dupa ce l-au creat, acum sunt si oameni, chiar acum pe pamant. Au fost si intre oameni si forma de oameni, ca nu erau inca ancorati pe pamant. Nu puteau fi direct oameni pana nu si-au facut ancore care sunt niste legaturi cu pamantul prin care curge energie. Legaturilesi le-au creat prin crearea altor corpuri in care nu erau suflete, nu erau animale, aveau forma de oameni in care sufletul nu putea intra, aveau doar conexiunea cu pamantul. Oamenii astia traiau fara sufle, doar se exprima pamantul prin ei, erau doar modele dar nu traiau mult, doar cat sa se acordeze, sa se tranforme vibratia. Odata ce s-au creat modelele, incet, incet, si-au putut lua forma.
V. Cand cei care au creat pamantul erau intre ingeri si oameni erau in forma fizica sau nu?
D. Aveau forma fizica, dar era o forma aerata, nu era nimic constient atunci. Ei supravegheau corpul pe care si-l creasera, il cresteau.Ei pluteau, nu erau conectati deloc. Era inainte de aparitia oamenilor pe pamant. Sunt si acum pe pamant.
V. Ce fac ei acum pe pamant?
D. Ii vad doar ca lumini foarte puternice pe glob, sunt cam peste tot in lume, cativa pe fiecare continent si fac niste punti intre ei. Unii sunt lumini mai puternice si sunt si lumini mai putin puternice, unii mai adormiti. Nu prea stau cu oamenii, ei creaza niste punti.
V. Ce fac cu puntile acelea, care e rolul lor?
D. Sa imprastie lumina. Toti ceilalti se conecteaza la punti, e ca o plasa la care se conecteaza toti oamenii care se trezesc.
V. Sunt multi cei treziti?
D. Cei care nu s-au trezit sunt majoritari. Pamantul e bine, el merge, putem sa sustinem, dar se vor mai trezi multi. Vad multe licariri, se aprind, se sting, nu sunt inca hotarati. Cei care stau tot timpul aprinsi sunt deja conectati. O data treziti si conectati, nimeni nu se mai stinge din plasa.
V. Ce simte pamantul fata de cei netreziti?
D. Ne iubeste pe toti. Ne suporta cat e nevoie. Plasa asta e o plasa care porneste din centrul pamantului si intra in fiecare si inima e cea care creaza plasa, legatura. Toti cei treziti sunt conectati intre ei prin plasa asta si plasa e peste tot in jurul pamantului, e invelit pamantul. Mai sunt si pe afara multi, care nu au conexiunea cu pamantul, nu sunt in corp. Au si ei o plasa.
V. Cine sunt acestia fara corp, care se afla in jurul pamantului?
D. Multe, multe fiinte de peste tot din univers, si ei sunt conectati intre ei. Sunt aici ca sa ne ajute noi si au facut si ei o plasa foarte luminoasa, din aceeasi lumina, foarte, foarte stralucitoare, alb aurie si calda.
V. Ce altceva mai vezi?
D. Sunt si nave, multe nave, sunt si altfel de fiinte, le vad doar lumina, unele sunt mai stralucitoare, mai mari, aduc o mai multa energie. Nu sunt foarte departe de pamant. Ei supervizeaza si ajuta, transmit canale de lumina cele mai multe catre oamenii treziti si prin oameni, mai departe in pamant. Le-ar face rau celor netreziti daca le-ar trimite lumina. Trebuie sa se deschida ei.
V. Cum percep oamenii informatiile astea venite de la fiintele luminoase din jurul pamantului?
D. Caldura, liniste, iubire, pace, multa pace, pace.
V. Ce poti sa imi spui de nave, ele ce fac?
D. Ele au oamenii lor jos pe care ii ajuta, le transmit, dar uneori nu mai functioneaza dar ei transmit in continuare. Au mai uitat, se simt pierduti, pentru ei e rau, sufera.
V. Printre navele astea sunt si unele care nu au cele mai bune intentii?
D. Sunt alte fiinte care ii tin la o parte. Nu prea mai sunt asa multi, nu mai e loc pentru ei, i-au curatat, nu mai sunt multi, dar mai sunt cativa, totusi, sunt langa pamant. Au si ei reprezantanti pe pamant si ii ajuta si ei pe ai lor, au si ei transmisii. Sunt buni in ceea ce fac pe pamant, dar nu mai e mult ca plasa asta distruge trasmisiile astea, ce nu mai e de aceeasi natura cu plasa. Nu mai sunt multi, au ramas cei mai puternici. Nu mai au sanse sa supravietuiasca, li se reduc tot mai mult. Inca e puternic ce transmit acum. Sunt locuri in care plasa de lumina e inca rara, in zone ca in zonele arabilor, ca zona mai mare, acolo e foarte slaba. Acolo sunt reprezentanti multi si de acolo pleaca, dar se imprastie in pamant, la fel cum se imprastie lumina, la fel se imprastie si energia lor. Au fost mai multi, dar multe legaturi s-au sugrumat. Acum au ramas putini, dar sunt cei mai puternici. E o disperare intre ei. Nu mai au nici un plan, ar face orice, de la crime, razboaie, instigare, frica si multa violenta, violenta le-a mai ramas.
V. Cum ii percepe pamantul pe acesti oameni?
D. E intr-o iubire, pamantul ii iubeste pe toti. Acestia isi doresc sa distruga plasa si ei sunt foarte conectati cu pamantul, cred ca doar aici pot supravietui, pot sa moara, e o disperare, ei sunt foarte conectati cu pamantul in sensul ca sunt dependenti de el. Nu stiu de unde au veni, de departe. Scopul lor este ca ei sa se mareasca, dar nu mai pot, nu au mai putut de mult. E o zona neagra, e foarte departe.
This post is a story of an awakening triggered by the higher self to resume its activities from the past and regain life skills from back then caused by remembering our true essence, the lost information and sacred knowledge that some of us had at that time.
In the transcript the creator of the plants of the earth shows up, the light grid, light workers and alien that are helping us.

V. What do you see?
D. Colored steam layers, gray, purple, red like slices and I slid slowly down like a feather trough them and they feel warm, fine, now it’s grayer as they get down I get a little afraid
V. Does anything change as you descend?
D. It feels harder, it becomes harder and I get dizzy as I get close to the ground
V. What do you see below you?
D. It’s a battle, a war, everything seems black. They have some black armor, black horses, big swords and they fight each other. There are many and I now focus on a single man, it’s just a black armor, inside looks empty, he has a glimmer, it seems it’s calling me there.
V. If you want, you can go there. Remember that you are in the pyramid of white light and you’re protected. You can talk about what you see.
D. There’s something about his heart, it has opened, it was the only glimpse and I feel a connection to my heart. The rest is a black smoke inside the armor. I feel like it opens a path to his heart as a bridge of bright, golden light between our hearts, from their depths. Everything seems to have been stopped, nothing is moving, there is just the light flowing everywhere, across the field and turns the gray and the blood into green, and some of the dead people and some who were walking began to shine, even begin to rise , turn into light bodies, lots of light flowing, I feel ecstatic. Some do not want to transform. Light flows further through this man; he seems to be connected to the others. He changed just a bit, unlike the others, but the place feels different, it’s not that heavy anymore, it starts to feel less dense, the sun rises and there is more light, the gray is gone, there is light and green. Some people stayed still, many are rising, they become a light beam and go up, others do not rise but shine and others remain black and not moving. Another man came to the man I am connected with. He is very bright and I think he is helping him: he lays him down, does something with his hands and where he touches him, the man lights up. The light went through him to help others. I begin to move away, the other person stays with him.
V. How do you look?
D. I am like a sun, a golden yellow ball, and I ‘m gaseous and if I get closer to people, I shrink to about half their size , but if I get further , I grow. I am moving away now.
V. What happens to them now, if you walk away?
D. They continue on their way. I can see and feel the fight has stopped altogether, there’s no battle plan.
V. How do you get away?
D. I get up and go through the same layers, but I still feel a cord, something still pulls me back down, they are still pulling me. They no longer need me but they are a little scared because I left. I am making it larger; the connection became suddenly too narrow. Now I only sense their beautiful, brilliant energy bodies. They help each other now. Some try to wake the others, but they cannot. Those who remained black are lost in a gray floating space and see nothing, like being blind. It hurts me to see them like that. I want to wake them up, but I cannot. I just stay here with them a bit, but they did not perceive me and want to enter the warriors again, they are attracted to those warriors. They are in a different space but still want to return there, there is a strong attraction, like a magnet. Probably they will return, they decide if they return. I feel myself drawn, too, if I stay in this area.
V. Are you still connected with the bright people?
D I am connected with the people of light, they are in another space, it’s easier, it’s like a new life.
V. Do you want to stay with the black ones?
D. Yes, I leave there a part of me, I made a ball of light, I tore it from me, but it’s still connected to me, and I also remain connected with the people of light. The ball of light stays with the black ones, to shine, to show them a way, to be there.
V. Can you tell me how did that shimmer appear in the first man that you got connected with?
D. As a spark within him, it opened the door, it was beyond him, and it was deeper than what he could perceive. When I have approached, while he was fighting, the spark instantly activated itself and attracted me and I made the connection.
V. What will you do now?
D. I can do anything. Now I can leave the people of light, they are ok now. It is more than a piece of me there, there is something more flowing through me, in that sphere , I am still a channel , I just opened something there, I created another sun, smaller than me , I cannot make it too big there. I am detaching from me so I can leave.
V. Now what?
D. I am rising. I ended up on earth, but its desert this time, yellow sand, dry, arid, lifeless. I want to touch it, to give it a little bit of life. It turns into plants, lots of vegetation, it turns into a jungle.
V. How do you look now?
D. I’m still a ball of light, I am extended, I have tentacles like arms which create plants trough touching, flowing out of me in through my hands in the ground and begin to grow. They have a different shape in me and they’re flowing through me like energy, but get a different shape in the sand. The connections with earth it makes them to get a different form, but in fact they are the same. Its plentiful vegetation, large leaves, and large trees, there are flowers that are red, purple, yellow, orange, all colors. They have a different shape in me, their energy is colored in me, the green ones were just a light in me, the flowers have a colored energy in me, and on earth they take the form of flowers. It’s beautiful! The plants are flowing through me, but I perceive animals, too, it’s hard to see them now. The animals did not come through me. Someone else … it’s complicated….
V. How much stretched the jungle; did it cover the whole dessert?
D. Yes, I cannot see the desert here, there is some left elsewhere. I’ll stay with it and it will spread across the dessert. Plants continue to flow out of me, but the jungle is growing stronger.
V. What attracted you to this desert, what made ​​you want to give it life?
D. It attracted me, it was a fast, magnetic attraction, and I am not fighting it.
V. Is it your first time creating a jungle? What else do you do?
D. No, I am happy in another jungle, too. We have created it, too, long ago, there are many of us. Now that we come to the jungle, we took a shape, we are almost green, our blood is green and the jungle is a part of us. First I created it and then I came down into it. We have a humanoid form, but we are larger, more colorful, we have the veins colored in orange and green, and the skin is lighter than ours. We don’t have clothes, we have different sexes, but the organs are different. There are some clothes but they come from us, we make our skin like clothes. I’m a woman. It’s beautiful here, it’s quiet.
V. What are you going to next?
D. Here we create for other planets. It’s like a laboratory and we transmit to the sphere what we create here. I am connected to my sphere, sometimes it’s far from me; sometimes it’s sitting above us.
V. Is it helpful to you to have a form in this lab?
D. We need to be connected to Earth and together we create. We are not that many ,there are ten, fifteen of us. There are some wires coming out from our hands and feet, like some connections into the ground, and from there they come back. It’s an exchange of many … do not know what is … many forms and lights, is an exchange of forms and lights…..there are all kinds of elements and there is an exchange of elements, there are particles from the earth’s energy and they are mixing in my belly …. They are very different and very numerous, they combine in my belly and come out of my hands and feet, then send them back in the ground, I give them life. We created many plants, one of them has very wide leaves, it is very strong, another a tree, I spend here most of my time, is an old soul tree , the earth it gives its soul and the life and the form, we create them together with the earth .. . The tree is my first creation…. I love it, it gives me a feeling of familiarity, of protection and power, we communicate with each other, I feel like a father ….I feel it as a father…. it’s a heart to heart communication … a fusion.
V. Do you work alone or with others?
D. I work alone as well as with others and then we create worlds, planets, some of them are working with animals and we created the planets and the earth, with several others. There are several working groups. We just created the plants and the animals. Others created the rocks. I was with them from the beginning, but they created the rocks. I was next to them. It was created through the hands and through the hearts of all, and many has come back on it after they have created it. Now they are people right now on earth. There were among people and as people, they were not yet anchored in Earth. There could not be people yet until they have not made anchors that are some kind of links to the Earth through which energy flows. They have created the links by creating other bodies that didn’t have souls , they were not animals , they had the human form where the soul could not come into, they only had their connection to the earth . These people lived soulless, just the earth expressed itself through them, they were just models but did not live long, just enough to tune in, for the vibration to transform. Once the models have been created, slowly they were able to take the human form.
V. Did this take place when those who created the earth were among angels and men were in physical form or not?
D. They had a physical form, but it was a gaseous form, there was nothing conscious then. They ware watching the body which they had created, they nourished it. They were floating; they were not connected at all. It was before the appearance of humans on Earth. They are still on earth.
V. What are they doing now on earth?
D. I see them only as bright lights on the globe, they are almost everywhere in the world, few of them on every continent and they make bridges between them. Some are more powerful lights and there are lights that are and less powerful, some seem sleepy. They do not hang out with people , they create some bridges .
V. What do they do with those bridges, what’s their role?
D. To spread light. All the other are connecting to the bridge, it’s a net that all the people who are awakening are connecting to.
V. Are there many people who’ve awakened?
D. The sleeping ones are the majority. Earth is well, we can support, but many will awaken. I see more, flickers, they’re lighting up, they’re turning off, and they haven’t made up their minds. Those who stay lit up are already connected. Once awakened and connected, they no longer turn off their light.
V. How does the Earth feel about the sleeping ones?
D. She loves us all. She support us as long is needed. This net starts in the center of the earth and enters into every heart and the hearts are creating the net, the connection. All those awakened are connected between them through the net and the net is all around the earth, the earth is wrapped in it. There are many on the outside that have no connection with the earth, they are not in a body. They have their own net.
V. Who are these without a body, around the earth?
D. Many, many beings from all over the universe, and they are connected to each other. They’re here to help us and they have made a very bright net, from the same light, very, very bright, warm golden white light.
V. What else do you see?
D. There are ships, many ships, there are different kinds of beings, I can only see their light, some are brighter, bigger, and they bring more energy. They are not that far from earth. They supervise and help, transmit most light channels to the awakened people and through people into the ground. It would hurt the sleeping people if they would send them light. They need to open themselves up.
V. How do people perceive the information coming from these bright beings around earth ?
D. Warmth, serenity, love, peace, much peace, peace.
V. What can you tell me about the ships?
D. They have their own people down there that they help, they are transmitting to them, but sometimes it doesn’t work anymore, but they are still transmitting. They’ve forgotten, they feel lost, it’s hard for them, and they are hurting.
V. Are there any of these ships that don’t have the best intentions?
D. There are other beings who keep them aside. They are not that many anymore, there’s no place for them, they cleared the area, they are not that many, but there are a few left, however, they are near the earth. They have their own people on earth and they are helping them, too, and they have transmissions, too. They are good at what they do on Earth, but there is not much time left for them because the light net is destroying these transmissions, everything that’s not the same with the light. There are few left, but these are the strongest. They have no chance to survive; their chances are dimming. Their transmission is still powerful now. There are places where the light net is still thin, in areas like the Arabian areas, it’s very poor. There are many representatives there and they are leaving, but they are spread into the ground, their energy spreads just as the light spreads. They were many, but many connections were severed. Now there are few left, but they are the strongest. There’s desperation among them. They have no longer any plans, they would do everything: murders, wars, fear and more violence, violence is all they have left.
V. How does the earth perceive these people?
D. She is love, earth loves everybody. They want to destroy the net and they are very connected with the earth, I just think that this is the only place they may survive, they can die, there’s desperation, and they are very connected to the earth in the sense that they are dependent on it. I do not know where they came from. Their goal is for them to grow, but I can no longer could, they have stopped growing for a long time. The place they came from is a black area, it’s very far.

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1 Comment on “Creatorul plantelor si reteaua de Lumina a Pamantului

  1. Sper că ai primit întârziatul dar sper că nu tardivul meu reply. Mulțumesc pentru tot ce ai făcut și faci pentru mine. Te pup.

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